Before I say anything, I want to say this...
I was scrolling through some old screenshots in my phone today, searching for possible blog topics. Sometimes I screenshot things that are inspiring, things that I feel I can give good insight on or just things I may wanna chat about with you guys later.
While doing this, I stumbled across a message someone sent me about my dedication to "A Word". This person talked about how they've only ever seen older women speak about following their dreams, and when they did pursue their dreams it was when they were much older and more established (financially stable, career women, etc.)
She said I was one of the first people within her age range that openly went after their dreams despite being in the "figuring it tf out phase of life" and she thanked me for sharing that journey. So okay, it was a bit of a tear jerker for me. Those words meant so much to me then and mean even more to me now, especially coming off of a period where I almost gave up.
We touched on it a bit in "Not a Relaunch" but yes I almost stopped blogging completely. Creating content was very much going to be a thing of the past because I was losing sight. Things I'd hope would come from"A Word" really weren't happening and I'm not a fan of doing shit for no reason. But the reason has always been ME!
Writing, blogging, vlogging, content fun for me. I'd been trying to get a certain amount of clout from my blog and it became ingenuine, I honestly should've just stuck to doing it for me.
Anywho, as I was appreciating this message I ran into a couple more messages. Then a couple more, and a couple more...
Within these positive messages filled with encouraging words, relation, and genuine support, I realized a pattern... these messages were all from Black women.
Some of them I'd known since I was a child, some I've gotten to know recently and some I've gotten to know through this platform. And yeah, Black women are within my target demographic as far as my content goes but the true and genuine support that I get from Black women is so pure and really defines the root of us as a group.
As my target audience, they can relate to my work, read it, like it and move on right?
Yes, but the souls this blog attracts won't stop there.
I've been supported by Black women my entire life. From the very woman that gave birth to me, cheering me on and helping me with any and everything I put my mind to. To my grandmother speaking life into this very blog I'm chatting with you all on. My friends that consistently repost, comment and share with those that can relate, the Black women in my corner show up for me.
These women will always take the time to uplift me. These women will write their own words to me and tell me to keep going and that I'm inspiring. These women will pray for me and thank me for my contributions to their life and I know I wouldn't get that from any other group.
There's something within Black women that makes it impossible to not cheer each other on and I'm so glad to be a part of this exclusive club but alsos so glad to be surrounded by such dope individuals and just had to dedicate a Word to you all.
Thank you for keeping me going.
Love a black woman from infinity to infinity...