Hey Hey!
So.. no blog post last week...
If you're mad at me... sorry not sorry, I had some living to do.
I learned quite a bit throughout my 7 month break from blogging, but the main point being "You can't pour from an empty cup."
I apply that to almost every piece of my life and it's time that I apply it here, with you guys. I try to crank out "Weekly Words" and give you guys great conversation starters based on the things I live and experience but if I don't take the time to live and experience what can I bring you?
So, I used the past week as a true chance to fill my (half) empty cup. Here's what went down:
A Word:The Blog turned "3"!
My baby, my passion project, the literal words from my heart turned 3 on February 13th and I spent that day so full of joy! I reread my first few words and instantly remembered how scared I was to finally commit to something I've always wanted to do.
I remembered being afraid of taking a break when I needed it and how even more afraid I was to return and start all over.
But most of all I thought about how great of a journey it's been here at A Word:The Blog and I can't wait for the blessings that are to come from this in the future.
The day of love was very much filled with it.
I started my day with the kids I worked with and they truly defined what the meaning of love is. Watching them apply everything they've learned about how to treat people with kindness and how to make sure everyone feels included and safe was... so satisfying.
We all know how icky kids can be in all spaces but those babies didn't disappoint and really put a smile on my face.
Right after that my forever valentine (MOMMY) treated me to lunch and later I spent the evening being truly seen. My bf created such a beautiful experience for me, from dinner to the carefully thought out gifts. I felt very much understood and appreciated which is all anyone can really ask for right?
I spent this day doing things that brought me genuine joy.
I went to a great brunch. Went to a weirdly themed event and and drank beer! People...I don't like beer but I enjoyed trying it out, ya know? I had a tasty pizza at a greek restaurant. I went to sleep early and woke up at 12am, deliriously scrolled tiktok, laughed entirely too loud and annoyed the hell out of my bf!
This day reminded me that I really need to start doing more of the random shit that makes me smile. Life is very much about those little moments and I need to do better at creating them for myself.
I got to spend time with my mommy!!
Outside of living together we don't really get to spend a ton of time together so this meant more to me than she'll ever understand. It felt like old times when it was just her and I grabbing breakfast at a diner and getting into various adventures throughout the day. All of my fondest memories are the small, really random moments with mom.
I need to do a better job at creating those now that I'm all grown up.
There were lots of other little moments of reflection throughout the week but some things are meant to be kept close.
My point here though is that every moment you spend doing what brings you joy, if even in the smallest form, you're doing yourself the greatest service. There is no such thing as a moment wasted if the moment is fueling your soul.