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Hey Girl

Writer's picture: Angelique JeffreyAngelique Jeffrey

So I had a different topic planned for tonight's Word but then I realized...


Happy holiday to all my ladies out there!

Last week I gave a big shout out to my gang (Black Women) in a Word called "Unity"... today I'm talking to all women that aren't haters and give off big supportive energy when it comes to showing love to other women.

I love you. Plain and simple.

In a world where majority of us are underrepresented and undervalued, I feel like it's super important for us to stick together.

In my eyes, sticking together goes way deeper that just telling another woman you love their outfit or telling a man to "F off" in unison as we hold hands and burn our bras (shoutout to that movement though).

It goes as far as advocating for those of us that feel they can't speak up and changing your habits to benefit others as well as yourself. We all know that sometimes it's a bit hard to create that safe space within ourselves and as women a lot of us feel alone or that we have no one to turn to when in reality we are all living through a lot of similar, if not, the same scenarios.

We are our own support group and its time to take that support to the streets and out of the Facebook groups.

Let's start right here on A Word...

There's so many things within this life that I feel so alone in. There's many things I'd wish to hear on a daily basis just to know that someone gets it.

So I'll say them to you because maybe you need to hear it as well.

You're doing the best you can, and that is all anyone should ask of you. If they can't handle you at your worst, tell them to "F#ck off" at your best. Reserve that for yourself.

Journeys are not one-size fits all. Your journey through womanhood will not look like the next woman's journey. Stop trying to mirror your life to that of your good sis from around the corner. Congratulate her on her highs and pick her up when she's low instead of throwing shade. You will get your moment.

You are beautiful. That body of yours works hard everyday to protect the soul beneath so treat her with care and respect even when you're displeased with her. Imagine saying the words you speak to your body to a random woman on the street. You would dare right? So why speak to yourself this way? Love yourself as you are now. Every pound, curve, roll and wrinkle, your boobies, that ass...all worthy of being loved and cared for but it has to come from you first.

I am so proud of you and all you have overcome. Your wins, no matter how big or small are still WINS! You are capable of creating constant prosperity from the moment you open your eyes to the moment you shut them. You are killing it my girl, keep it up.

You are enough. There is nothing and no one in this world more deserving of your blessings than you are. Throw the self pity and self doubt out of the window. Don't let a clip from this week's trending "alpha male" podcast make you feel like you need to change who you are and how you vibe.

And lastly...

You are the shit for simply existing.

I'm your girl, you're my girl, we're your girls...don't you know that we love ya? -Destiny's Child

Send this Word to a woman you love and tell her how much she means to you not only this month, but every month.


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2023년 3월 09일

Love love love love this!!!!!

Angelique Jeffrey
Angelique Jeffrey
2023년 3월 09일
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Love love love you! Thank you for always supporting! Happy International Women’s Day 🤎

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