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Writer's picture: Angelique JeffreyAngelique Jeffrey


28 came into the building and really showed her ASS!

Friends and Fam, I'm another year older as of May 17th (thank you all for your birthday wishes xoxo) and I'm already being tested!

We love a good test though. Like am I truly as changed as I think I am? Is the personal growth really showing itself?

So before we get started I want to tell you all what I did on my actual day of birth!

I got to spend some genuine time with my mommy and go to brunch!

You guys know how I feel about my mommy okay!

I haven't spent a birthday with my mom in a while, simply because I'm either out of town or I've been swept away. So we both took off work and spent the first half of my day together and that time meant more to me than anyone can understand. I was instantly brought back to all of my birthdays as a kid, and how mom made every moment so special. Love you mommy!

I spent the evening at a surprise dinner planned by my honey. That man really outdid himself you guys! He took me to a fancy smancy restaurant on the other side of the water, Steak & Tonic. He knows I love a place with a great aesthetic and tasty food, and this place passed the test. We were chomping on Wagyu and Bison steaks at a place with kangaroo and camel on the menu. He created a pretty dope experience for me and that was honestly the greatest gift.

I haven't had an intimate birthday with just my loved ones in a WHILE and it felt so good. I think I needed that grounding and that reminder to keep my people close to me.

Alright so that was the good times now let's get to... the test.

For the past 7 years I've made it a tradition to treat myself to a trip for my birthday. It's my way of creating a space where I can show myself gratitude. I honor the year I've experienced and welcome the new year with a slight turn up. I've done big trips, small trips...each one brought me a sense of hope for the next year.

This year's trip was a small baecation to Miami.

I'd done Miami a few times and it's always a great time, so I was extremely excited for this trip. The weight of the world had been on my shoulders from my job (and the search to find a new one), finishing a course I'm taking, maintaining a content schedule and scheduling personal time in between...the list goes on, ya girl was mentally ready for a break.

I couldn't wait to unwind in 80-90 degree weather, get into some unexpected adventures...

well the only unexpected adventure that took place was a 6 hour wait in the BWI airport for a delayed flight that ended up being cancelled.

Most would've rescheduled but the only flight that we could be rescheduled for would've had us in Miami for only 6 hours of our 3 day trip.... We ultimately made the decision to head back home. This shit SUCKED!

It sucked that my birthday trip was cancelled and we'd be getting a small percentage of our money back. It sucked that I wasn't gonna be laid out on a beach with a fruity drink. It sucked that no matter what we tried nothing worked out the way we wanted it to...

Sounds like a life metaphor in the making doesn't it?

Every option there was wasn't the correct option for us. So what had to happen? Regroup and replan! And that we did.

Being the emotional being that I am, I cried first. Took a baby depression nap too but that was only allowed to last but for so long. Then after a pep talk from a wise fella I said to myself, "SELF, this is where we are. Let's make the best of it." and myself said "yes girl, let's do it".

With the help of that wise fella I spoke about before, I ended up having such a fun filled, surprisingly relaxing birthday weekend. We created a cool little getaway right at home and it really opened my eyes.

Sometimes being tested can result in some well learned lessons.

  1. Roll with the punches! Sometimes shit sucks, charge it to the game and figure out how to make it suck less and move on.

  2. Never fly Frontier. I don't care how cheap the flight is, baby don't do it. Want more for yourself.

  3. There is a reason for absolutely everything.

  4. Don't question what you can't control.

I think I was meant to be home for this birthday. I needed to be around genuine love and remind myself that the vibes go wherever I go.


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