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Comfy & Cozy

Writer's picture: Angelique JeffreyAngelique Jeffrey

Friends and Family!

Its officially TAURUS SEASON!

My birthday is Wednesday, May 17th, and typically right before my birthday I take the time to reflect on the previous year of life. I like to think about what went well, what I'm thankful for, what lessons I've learned.

I also like to really think about what didn't go that well within the past year. What emotions did I not face, what solutions could I have created from previous situations. Things like that.

Judging by my excitement that its Taurus season, many of you will guess that I'm into astrology. Not in the super weird way that I'll attribute everything you do to your astrological sign. Like, "oh that was such a Leo thing to do". NO. My thoughts and belief in astrology are that God took their time with us.

So much so that they crafted each and every one of us in such a unique way.

Depending on when you're born you are connected to certain planets and depending on what's going on with that planet your emotions will be affected, you have similarities to others born during the same time of year, giving you a cool little club and people you'll definitely be able to relate to... I don't know.

I've always thought astrology was God's way of keeping us grounded and connected to one another.

Anyway let's get back on topic...

I was checking my horoscope today and this one really spoke to me.

To sum it up, today's Taurus horoscope was about change and starting anew.

"There is no shame in starting from scratch, it's the only way to get to a better place."

Umm, hello?! How the hell did they know I'm starting a new journey.

Probably because that's all I ever strive to do.

Taurus' are typically categorized as routine based individuals.

Real if it ain't broke, don't fix it kind of people and we often don't welcome change. Why? Because it's UNCOMFY and we are the comfy queens!

Honestly, I welcome change in more personal spaces. I welcome change within my mental space, within how I view the world and how I let things affect me. But other than that, no thank you.

So, seeing this horoscope today really gave me a bit of a reality check because I am about to enter into a serious transition phase. Sooooo many things are getting ready to change for me and I'm about to be thrown so far out of my comfort zone.

And to be honest, I had be dreading the process. I know myself well enough to know that copious amounts of change set me off. But in this case I have to do what I gotta do.

I want to be in a different place, a better place if you will. I want to finally be in a place where I feel like I can breathe easy but that is never going to happen if I let change freak me out or deter me completely.

So I guess let's do this shit change! I'm ready for you... I think?

Moral of the story is, life is what you make it. If you hold yourself back strictly because you're afraid of the outcome, you'll be stuck your whole life. Just do it. What's the worst thing that can happen, failure? Failure is the ultimate lesson and you'll bounce back with a stronger sense of self knowing what to not to do now. The only thing left to do would be to do better next time.

Growth people!


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